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I have been using a system to do Cheshbon Hanefesh and Elul prep for the last 24 years and it really helped me to stay intentional with my preparation for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. I know that a lot of people feel overwhelmed by the spiritual work that needs to be done this time of year and decided to share my system in hopes that it makes this process easier for you. 


It is 3 pages and once you print it out and fill it out, it becomes your guide to this time of year. You keep it in a private place and refer to it all year to check in on your growth and your accomplishments. I have a binder and save them all there, and it's amazing to look back at this collection and see it all. This is something you purchase once, and use every year for years to come. It almost becomes a journal of your life when you do this every year.


I hope that this helps you as much as it helps me to walk into the Yomim Noraim more prepared and excited to take in the spiritual energy that is given to us this time of year.

Elul Prep - Cheshbon Hanefesh Guide

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